Graph Management in GraphOS
Manage access permissions and transfer and delete graphs
Creating graphs
- To create a cloud supergraph, see the GraphOS quickstart.
- To create a non-cloud graph (a self-hosted supergraph or a monograph), see this section.
Managing access permissions
Public variants
You can enable public access for individual variants of your graph. If you do, anyone with that variant's public link can view the following pages for that variant in Studio:
- Home
- This shows the variant's README.
- Schema
- Explorer
- You can also embed the Explorer on your own webpage.
This enables consumers of your graph to learn about your graph's schema and any special usage information (such as authentication details) that you've documented in the public variant's README. They can also run properly authenticated operations against your graph with the Explorer.
People outside your organization can't view any other pages for a public variant (Fields, Operations, etc.), and they can never view any pages for private variants. New variants always start as private.
Making a variant public
Only organization members with the Org Admin or Graph Admin role can toggle a variant's public visibility.
- Go to your variant's Settings page and open the This Variant tab.
- Under Danger Zone, find the Public card and click Change.
- Toggle your selection and click Save.
You can toggle the switch back to Off to make the variant private again.
After you make a variant public, you can click the variant's PUBLIC label at the top of GraphOS Studio to get its public link:

Protected variants (Enterprise only)
If you have a GraphOS Enterprise plan, you can designate particular variants of a graph as protected variants. A protected variant limits the capabilities of users with the Contributor role to make certain changes to the variant:
- Contributors cannot push schema updates to a protected variant.
- Contributors cannot manage Explorer-related settings for a protected variant, such as setting the variant's endpoint URL.
- Graph API Keys with the Contributor role cannot report usage metrics for a protected variant.
Graph Admins and Org Admins can configure whether a variant is protected from the This Variant tab of the variant's Settings page.
Internal graph visibility (Enterprise only)
For external graph visibility, see Public variants.
By default, graphs are visible to all members of your organization. If you have a GraphOS Enterprise plan, you can set a graph to instead be visible only to members you invite.
You can configure visibility and grant your organization's members explicit access to your graph from the Permissions tab of your graph's Settings page.
Org Admins can always see all graphs in your organization.
Dangerous actions
Transferring graph ownership
You can transfer a graph to a different GraphOS organization you belong to by visiting the graph's Settings page in Studio and changing the graph owner.
Deleting a graph
Deleting a graph cannot be undone.
If you delete a cloud supergraph, all its GraphOS-hosted routers are deprovisioned.
You can delete a graph from Studio by visiting its Settings page and clicking Delete Graph.